Dog Bite

If you or someone you love has been the victim of a dog or animal bite and you would like to learn more about how to recover damages from your injuries, please contact the California personal injury attorneys at the DAG Law Firm, APC for support in making informed decisions about your case.

1) Strict Liability and the One Bite Rule

Each year, millions of dog bite cases are reported across the United States with many that go unreported. Experiencing an attack by a dog can be terrifying and traumatic and can cause significant injury. In the state of California, a “Strict Liability” statute is enforced in situations where dogs attack and injure another person. The “One Bite Rule” does not apply and owners are 100% responsible and liable for compensation associated with any injuries suffered by their dog.

2) Understanding Your Case

Depending on the severity of an injury as well as case specifics, a dog owner may be held accountable at both a civil and criminal level. There are multiple varieties of dog bite lawsuits within the state of California and it is important to clearly understand the nature of your case to determine whether it was the result of Negligence, Scienter (knowledge of a dog’s prior history of aggression) or Intentional Tort (an owner’s intent for a dog to exhibit aggressive behavior).

3) Comparative Negligence and the “Bad Dog” Exception

The skilled attorneys at DAG Law Firm, APC will assist you in knowing clearly whether you are liable for Comparative Negligence (a victim’s level of responsibility in the provocation of the dog’s aggression) as well as the “Bad Dog” exception, in which signs are clearly displayed on the property, indicating “Beware of Dog.” In some cases, a property owner or landlord may be held liable for damages caused by a tenant’s dog if they had prior knowledge of aggressive. Other conditions, such as a landlord’s failure to enforce dog removal when a tenant breaches a “No Dog” policy in their rental agreement may result in property owner liability.

4) Common Dog Bite Injuries

Victims of dog bite accidents may suffer severe physical injuries as well as psychological and emotional traumas that may include:

  • Puncture wounds
  • Broken bones and bone dislocation
  • Lacerations, contusions and abrasions
  • Amputation
  • Cosmetic disfigurement
  • Infection
  • Psychological and emotional trauma
  • Death

5) Compensation for your Dog Bite Injuries

  • If you or someone you love has suffered injuries as a result of a dog attack, you may be entitled to compensation for the following damages:
  • Payment for current and ongoing medical expenses
  • Payment for mental health treatment
  • Payment for emotional and psychological distress
  • Payment for loss of wages and income earning ability
  • Payment for pain and suffering